Working Mom Needs

The Symphony Unheard: Celebrating the Unseen Labor of Working Mothers

This blog explores the unspoken responsibilities that mothers shoulder while navigating the intricate balance between family, career aspirations, and self-fulfillment. We see them at the school pickup, juggling carpool duty, they squeeze in conference calls between errands, their mornings a whirlwind of lunches, backpacks, and last-minute reminders. No matter how busy their workday gets, they're… Continue reading The Symphony Unheard: Celebrating the Unseen Labor of Working Mothers

Working Mom Needs

From Frazzled to Fierce: Self-Care for Working Moms

Being a working mom is a badge of honour, but let’s be honest, it can also feel like a recipe for constant frazzling. Between juggling deadlines, managing endless household chores, nurturing our tiny ones (or not-so-tiny ones! like in my case, as I’m a teenager’s mom), travelling for work, travelling to study or re-connecting with… Continue reading From Frazzled to Fierce: Self-Care for Working Moms

Parenting in Covid Times, Positive Parenting

Traverse through these Pandemic Times.

As we start to think about what it will look like to re-open society, now that corona-virus pandemic has already overturned work, travel and home life, the rules are shifting for what people can and can’t do in their daily lives. Like I always say in this journey of motherhood there’s never a Right or… Continue reading Traverse through these Pandemic Times.


A “NO” is “NO” and NOT a Negotiation for a “YES”says a MOM!

Yes, I am referring to this confusing yet simple word "No", which slips out of our tongue not only too often but for almost everything, our kids ask for. As a parent, I've always tended to expect from my child to know, that when I say this word, I do mean it. It should be… Continue reading A “NO” is “NO” and NOT a Negotiation for a “YES”says a MOM!


Gamification – A progressive learning technique. Is it a new concept?

With so much hype about gamification, that secures a place in almost all discussions parents are doing these days , I think this concept has always existed and all of us unknowingly have been part of it. The only difference that I recognize is the element of gadgets that have supplemented the traditional methods. What… Continue reading Gamification – A progressive learning technique. Is it a new concept?


tête-à-tête over GOD – with Children May Not Be Easy, but It Is Necessary.

Among clusters of growing parents who are arrested to work, who are striving day and night to function as one cohesive unit amidst this mechanical life, wherein their achievements or struggles are hardly singular, wherein their anxieties and qualms are communal, we behave NO different to them. Whether we consider ourselves Theist or Atheist but… Continue reading tête-à-tête over GOD – with Children May Not Be Easy, but It Is Necessary.